9 February 2024

Introducing The Project Side Literature


Everyone has a dream. For some that means working their way up the corporate ladder, for others its to sit at home making stacks of money online. For me, whilst both of these options sound absolutely fine and dandy to me I have a dream to become a famous writer, to conjure up the many (and I mean, many) stories that swirl around in my cranium and put them into words for the world to read. I want to share my fantastical tales with you all, transport your minds to a place beyond the scope of reality and make you forget your troubles even if it is only one page at a time. This is a large part of why I blog in the first place, starting with subjects I love and branching out into more full time prospects. This is where I introduce the newest section of this site - The Project Side Literature.

So what is it?

The word "literature" means, according to dictionary.com "written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit". Now whilst I like to think the quality of my blog posts are above average I am not so egotistical to go as far as to describe them of superior or lasting artistic merit, to me that level of praise is reserved to the archives of libraries, bookshops and e-reader sites like Kindle, and whilst I fully intend to do some proper writing articles in the future on the site that is not what this series is about.

As said above my dream is to become a famous writer, to write books that will one day sit on your bookshelves. It is that dream that this literature series will follow. I imagine the articles I write for this series will be few and far between as progress on writing and editing books is a very arduous process indeed, and for the most part unless I have a book due for publication (whether through a big name publisher or through self-publication) I am unlikely to give too much information away in regards to my work as I don't want to spoil anything or hype up something that may fall through the cracks for whatever reason.

Do I have any published works you should know about?

Why yes, in a way. I had a blog post about this very published work in the previous incarnation of this blog just to give you an idea of how long ago it was, however I made the decision to delete the original post in favour of organically growing the writing section of the site from scratch. It was called "The Book of Quests" by The Design Mechanism and specifically I co-wrote the Raid on Yagelan's Bluff scenario. It is my first (and thus far only) commissioned written work to date.

I am rather proud of this achievement I must say, and my own copy of the book takes pride and place amongst my gaming books and aids in my hobby cabinet.

Is there anything currently in the works?

I really don't want to give too much away. Part of the reason I bring this up to begin with is to give myself a boot up the backside to get everything finished for you to read. The best way to meet a deadline is to talk about your work so that you put yourself in the mindset that you have to meet that deadline, at least that's what a very successful businessman I know once said anyways.

But since the cat's out of the proverbial bag, the short answer is yes, I do have something I'm working on. It's a full blown sci-fi/fantasy novel (no, it's not a Warhammer 40,000 fan fiction!) that I plan to make into a quadrilogy, a story told in four parts and, should it prove successful will make up part of a larger literary universe I have planned that I am dubbing the "Driverse" - original I know. I have completely finished the first draft of the book as it stands and am now on to the editing part of the second draft, the word count at time of writing stands at approximately 80,800 - that qualifies it as an epic novel length I believe? (If not, correct me down in the comments)

I have an incredibly talented artist that has agreed to help me with illustrations and the like whom I am currently working with to create cover art and promotional images for the book, and am also speaking with an old manager of mine who has knowledge in the industry of publication so I have very high hopes for this project. I do hope you will all join me in this literary journey as I continue to update you all with my progress in future articles.

- D J Driver

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