6 February 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: First Unit!

The first model finished in the year is always a great feeling, especially when that model is what could possibly be your centerpiece miniature as well as the single greatest paint job you've ever done, and I truly believe this first Hobby Bingo unit to be both of those things. For anyone that happens to remember my miniatures from the old Art of Warhammer blog this will likely be a real shock to the system and a testament to how much I have improved in the last 10 or so years as a painter.

C'Tan Shard of the Void Dragon

I am genuinely super happy with how this model turned out and, whilst it took a ton of time (I started this last year and kept painting it all last month) I must admit I did enjoy painting something different from my usual "spray silver, wash, do blacks, do reds, do golds" rhetoric. As with all my paint jobs there were reasons for all my colour choices. Starting with using the standard colours I use for the rest of my Necron army, I then employed drybrushing techniques and stony visuals I typically reserve for my vehicles - this is the C'Tan that absorbs vehicles after all!

The main deviation I made for this model to make it unique in my army however is how I painted the silver body of the C'Tan. This was sprayed Leadbelcher as normal but I followed that up with a layer of Ironbreaker and a highlight of Stormhost Silver to really make this guy shiny as befits a god. I then painted some very thinned Mechanicus Standard Grey into the recesses of the muscles to further the contrast the metallic flesh.

That's the first box on my bingo card ticked so the big question is, where do I put it? Well I thought where better to put this guy than straight into the very first square to fill up the "Monster/Vehicle" and "Character" slot seeing as the Void Dragon literally has both viable keywords and that way I don't feel like I'm cheating. Nothing tactical at all with this placement, just thought it was the right place to put it.

I have some ideas on what will be my next project. I have 4/5 Necron characters I could paint for a reasonably quick win, a few Necron squads that need some love and a whole box full of Tomb Kings to build. Stay tuned to see which of these will make it on the bingo card next - in the meantime I'd love to hear your thoughts. What do you think of the Void Dragon? Would you have placed it differently? What project do you think I should do next? Let me know down in the comments!

- D J Driver

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