28 February 2024

Trazyn the Infinite - House Rules Datasheet

In the first (and maybe only) instalment of my house rules series, I take a look at the much loved but woefully underpowered Overlord that is Trazyn the Infinite. I got the idea for making new datasheets for characters that are, well, lacking for want of a better word when I suggested ideas on how to improve Trazyn on X/Twitter. Not satisfied by Games Workshop's inability to give this guy workable rules I figured... screw it, I might as well write my own datasheet. Big shout out to TCREPO for providing me with the template that allowed me to make this.

I didn't want to go the opposite direction with this datasheet and make Trazyn overpowered, but I definitely aimed to give him abilities that made him a proper nuisance as befitting his character. So with that in mind here's a rundown of the changes I made to the official codex rules:

  • Ancient Collector ability has been removed and Trazyn has instead been given an OC of 2. This was done to ensure that the new rule I have added doesn't cramp up the datasheet whilst still giving him that feel that he really likes collecting things.
  • Surrogate Host ability has been modified. Instead of replacing another Necrons Noble model that is likely serving a vital purpose that outweighs Trazyn's own, now he can replace an Immortal or Lychguard model so long as they are not being led by a Noble or Royal Warden already. This is something he has been able to do in the lore previously and I think this gives him more utility in game as well.
  • Mindshackle Scarabs is a new ability I've introduced and a throwback to a signature piece of wargear Trazyn had back in 5th edition. I've somewhat simplified the rules this time around though and just made it give enemy melee attacks targeting him or any unit he leads the hazardous ability. Suitably annoying and lore accurate I think.
  • I also gave Trazyn another melee weapon called  the Tesseract Labyrinth. He's never officially had one in his wargear ruleswise but he can never seem to go a book without his definitely-not-pokeballs, so it seemed fitting to add it in there and give Trazyn some actual credible melee threat because his Empathic Obliterator is just not that good. I used the Tachyon Arrows stats as a reference and like the Tachyon Arrow I made it a single use weapon, not just because it's incredibly powerful but because lorewise they are typically used to capture single specimens.

If you would like to download this datasheet in its original power point document, you can find it here (right click and save document in link).

EDIT: I just realised as I was proofreading this post that there is a very abusable rule I have given Trazyn, so regard this as an "errata" of sorts. When using Trazyn's modified "Surrogate Host" rule, any model destroyed in this way cannot be brought back to the unit by using Reanimation Protocols and the unit cannot use any other ability or stratagem to return that model to that unit.

- D J Driver

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