7 March 2024

Blog News: 07/03/24

Very quick update regarding the blog, especially as there was no post yesterday. Today I will primarily be focusing on my Random Sel-X series as I have now streamed my first game and will be looking into how to improve this particular series going forward now I have the set up in place, and also I have a couple of miniature and wargaming tid bits too.

Random Sel-X

First and foremost, the stream from last night has been written up and I have edited the original stream alert post accordingly. You can read all about what happened here. In the same vein I have set a deadline now for the second round of votes and that deadline is Saturday 9th March 11:59pm. Go check out the nominations and comment on the relevant page to cast your vote - you can find that page here.

As for the series as a whole I will be making some amendments to how it will be working going forward and also I'll be looking to create some additional content for it as well. Details below.

Stream Dates/Times

I will continue to post articles up informing you all of when a stream will be happening as well as editing said post with a write up of what happened on stream after it has aired. Currently I'm looking to stream every Wednesday as I do not have real life work the next day typically. This will change from time to time in order to cater for my real life schedules, plus I plan to occasionally stream during the day when I am not working.

Series Statistics

There needs to be a running total of the awards I have won from my streams now that I have earned one from Party Animals. I'm currently deciding on how I want to do this, whether I create an entire page just for this purpose or if I just add the details in each stream post I'm not sure yet. Please let me know down in the comments which you would find easier.

Game Nomination Changes

Currently I am just throwing out 5 completely randomised games from the Game Pass catalogue for people to vote on when it comes to game nominations. Whilst this system seems to work quite well some voters have felt a bit hard done by to see their favourite game no longer available to vote on in each round. In addition whilst I am playing these completely random games it leaves no room for me to even get a look into playing the games I specifically want to play. Therefore going forward there will be two predetermined games within the five nominations - The Peoples Choice (a game that didn't win before but has been given another chance due to its popularity) and Most Wanted (a game that I personally want to play and have thrown it into the mix). The other three slots will be completely randomised as normal.

Miniatures and Wargaming

There is a bit of a lull in miniature/wargaming material at the moment as I am currently building my next paint project and have no tutorials lined up for the time being. I will be trying to fill the void with more information on the Reclamation of Orberus campaign, and I have some more house rules I'd love to throw out, but until I can get more hobby done please bare with me!

- D J Driver

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