14 March 2024

Boltgun on Gamepass


The awesome thing about having to turn on my XBox to download the Random Sel-X games you all vote on to stream is that I get a pop up of all the games that have recently entered the service, and oh boy did I get excited with this one.

For those not in the know, Boltgun is an ode to the FPS shooters of old, a love letter to games such as DOOM and Wolfenstein, games that I grew up with and am still a fan of. Best of all it's set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and that got me thinking...

Another weekly stream?

Maybe I'm just a sucker for ghost town chat rooms on stream but, as the author of a video game and wargaming blog I just can't pass up the opportunity to combine the two and stream what seems to me to be the ideal content for the site. Technically this is kind of cheating as it goes against my Random Sel-X rules of one personal choice game and having to get the public vote it in, but in actuality this would be its own separate thing and would be done alongside Random Sel-X instead of in place of it.

The other benefit of doing a second stream would be that I can increase my output of Game Pass Reviews and, if it doesn't take up too much of my time could expand into my own choice being removed from Random Sel-X altogether and becoming something entirely its own, afterall I need to play the games I actually want to play occasionally!

So when is the stream happening?

This is something I will need to organise properly. Currently I stream my Random Sel-X games on Wednesdays at 10:30pm GMT as I typically do not work on Thursdays so I can afford to stay up late (though I will need to shift that plan next week as I have my final Echoes of Nihilus game happening next week Wednesday) and my wife is in bed by 10pm most work nights. I am also off on Sundays, so Saturday evenings could work as a second day though I cannot guarantee when I will have the TV to myself those days and this weekend is also a bit of an anomaly.

Regardless I am very keen to get Boltgun streaming as soon as possible so I will definitely keep you all updated as soon as I have more news!

- D J Driver

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