4 March 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: Third... and Fourth Unit?

Contrary to what I said in my last hobby bingo post about being a slow painter, I managed to knock out two more units within the space of a week. Well I say two units, I painted two models that both have their own datasheets simultaneously. Is that cheating? Ah, who cares. Point is I have a new crusade campaign coming up and I wanted to introduce a couple more nobles to my Dynasty's rich tapestry of notable characters.

Overlord and Overlord with Translocation Shroud

I still had my Overlord from my Indomitus box set built and undercoated from ages ago but not a speck of paint had been added, so I thought I'd add on my recently acquired Overlord with Translocation Shroud to the painting line and make it a project. Painting multiple characters is a trend I started for my projects last year and it's something that has sped up the completion of my miniatures significantly. I've found that by bulk painting the parts that are exactly the same on each model (the golds, blacks and to some extent, the oranges and reds in this instance) the individual details that makes each character unique was enough to make the typically snoozy process of production lining more interesting (the weapons and the translocation shroud here).

With these completed I can't actually see myself adding any more characters to my already amply sized Necron army in the future with the exception of a Royal Warden and some Epic Heroes (I already have Orikan the Diviner and Imotekh the Stormlord just waiting for some paint) so my next project Necrons-wise will most likely be a unit that I need but don't actually have painted yet, maybe some Wraiths or some Spyders or even a vehicle, who knows? But my next hobby bingo unit will likely be a continuation of my Tomb Kings if I'm honest/

So on to the important matter of placing these guys on the bingo sheet. I had already decided last time that I must go on a crusade against the "Terrain" squares and there just so happens to be two such boxes I could write off with these miniatures, specifically the ones that are also marked "Sci-Fi Unit" and "Hero or Character". I was tempted to go for the "Wildcard" box in the bottom left corner to try and build up my first column but then I figured having a Wildcard for when I needed it was a better tactical choice.

So as I alluded to earlier in the post the next square will probably be checked off with another Tomb King unit, but at this moment in time I'm not entirely sure which as of yet as I have a whole box still to build (due to space and time mostly) but I might try to continue down the column on the left and blitz through a sweet 3 points. Maybe I'll look at a unit with a smaller model count to keep my options flexible, I don't know yet. Any recommendations? Let me know in the comments!

- D J Driver

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