27 March 2024

Necron Pariahs - House Rules Datasheet


Well I guess we're doing this, it's officially a series now! After doing Trazyn the Infinite's Datasheet I decided to look more broadly at what datasheets I could update, and I figured why not delve into the realm of units that are no longer available, and I'm not talking about Legends, I'm talking waaaay older than that. I got fed up with waiting on Games Workshop to resurrect them so to kick things off with redoing the rules for Pariahs, a unit I was so hoping would make their return when the Pariah Nexus was unveiled but was let down yet again. Once again big shout out to TCREPO for providing me with the template that allowed me to make this.

I don't like going overboard with any of my house rule datasheets so I kept the Pariahs fairly straight forward. I have three golden rules I stick to when writing these datasheets which are are don't make an existing unit obsolete, have a clear role for the unit in mind and think about what the unit(s) it can synergise with. In the case of the Pariahs I didn't want them to end up replace Lychguard so when I thought about their abilities I leaned into the whole anti-psyker thing as well as the fact that blanks tend to feel people uneasy when they are about and leave Lychguard to be the tanky bodyguards they are meant to be. The Pariahs role is fairly straightforward, their job is purely to destroy Psykers and that is pretty much it, a role Necron armies are sadly lacking in officially. Finally the unit I wanted to synergise this unit with was the Psychomancer - I wanted to make a mostly useless character have some kind of purpose and I feel his Battleshock shinnanigans would work very well with the Pariah's minus 1 to hit from Battleshocked units. I did toy with the idea of inversely letting Crypteks join this unit instead of Overlords to contrast with Lychguard but I felt Technomancers would absolutely nullify the point of the unit's abilities, however a Psychomancer could easily be utilised nearby to throw Battleshock tests at an enemy unit that could potentially shoot the Pariahs so I think it works.

If you would like to download this datasheet in its original power point document, you can find it here (right click and save document in link).

- D J Driver

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