25 April 2024

Blog News - 25/04/24


"Where the bally 'ell are all the posts and stream summaries, Driver?" I hear you cry! Well, that's what I wish to update you all about in today's post. No, I'm not abandoning the blog again. No, the streams are not screeching to a halt. I don't think it is fair to keep you all in the dark so I figured I would post a quick update to get you all up to speed.

So, what has happened to the posts?

The short answer is that I'm a little burned out. When I came back to writing for the blog I was between jobs and had all the time in the world to write my articles and work on my novel. Unfortunately I now have a job that has a two hour commute each way and as such my time is limited.

The more detailed answer is that it was very easy and straightforward when the blog was solely a miniatures and wargaming blog, and whilst adding video games to the content is a decision I do not regret, the constant streaming and writing up of said streams is massively chewing into my personal time, especially my hobby time. I love it and will continue to do it, but it is also the reason why the site seems to be spammed with Random Sel-X and Boltgun posts. I wanted to take a few days to take a step back, reevaluate and come back with more of a game plan. I've also been using this time to write up and prepare the upcoming Reclamation of Orberus campaign I am running and boy, is the narrative already getting fun! Players are already scripting their own storylines and playing prelude games. Truly a thing of beauty.

So, what is going to happen to the posts?

I have no clear answer for this right now. I've decided to take a short break from streaming for the time being, partially due to stuff going on in my personal life and partially because of burnout, but I will return to it soon. In the meantime I am fully committed to the start of my Reclamation of Orberus campaign and I'm taking some time to paint up more units in preparation for it - I plan on expanding my horizons past the Reawakened Dynasty detachment this time! So hopefully you will be seeing more hobby related posts soon enough. It does mean my Tomb Kings have been put on a bit of a back burner for the time being but I plan on returning to them soon - maybe I will just knock out small units in between projects to feel productive in the meantime.

I am also looking to try and streamline certain time consuming posts, mainly the stream summaries. I'm not sure how as of yet but I will keep everyone posted when I've figured that out.

In other news...

Whilst I'm here, I have a couple of blog related things I want to bring up. Firstly, I know the Random Sel-X tab is a bit screwy with not showing as many articles per page as the other tabs and even missing out some articles entirely. I think this might have something to do with the way the labels I'm using interact with the links so I'll look into fixing that soon but it's not on my list of priorities right now as it will involve going through every post with that label and manually editing them.

Also, as you can probably tell with this post, I am experimenting with smaller article headline graphics because I feel they have been too big in the past and eat up most of the screen instead of the actual content I intend for you dear readers to read. I'd prefer to entirely change the style of the headline graphics if I'm honest, however with the way they interact with thumbnails on blogger that just does not seem possible right now unless there's something I'm missing. Let me know down in the comments if I am!

Finally I'm scrapping the sign off I do at the end of posts. It's unnecessary and blogger keeps changing the size of them randomly for unknown reasons so I cannot be bothered with them anymore. You guys know I am the only person who contributes to this blog anyway.

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