12 April 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: Fifth Unit (Finally!)


Boy, it sure does feel like a long time since I last spoke about any of my own miniature projects, doesn't it? Between the rapid fire video gaming streams and the organising of a brand new crusade campaign, it truly has not been kind to my dedicated hobby time, but I have been able to find some moments between the cracks of other projects. Truth be told however, I did lowkey take a short break from painting as I just got sick of highlighting a ton of bone and needed a short break from it, but then I was flying through these miniatures once that was done. So as you can probably tell my latest finished piece is Tomb King related...

8 Skeleton Horsemen

I decided to go ahead and paint another unit of Tomb Kings since they are kind of a focus for me this year, and seeing as there were some tempting "Unit of 5+ Models" boxes still to tick off on my Hobby Bingo I decided to overcome my hesitation of painting cavalry and go for an 8 model strong unit of Skeleton Horsemen. See, mounts were the main reason I decided against collecting Bretonnians when I started my Old World journey as I painted a single mount many years ago and decided that was enough for one lifetime, but skeleton horses seemed much more manageable, and they are, but still lengthy to paint.

I also absolutely fell in love with the Wyldwood contrast paint whilst painting these guys. The wood on the rear ends of the shields and the spear handles were done in a single coat of this stuff with a touch of medium added to the mix. I also used this very contrast paint to write the scripture on the banner after having run out of Rhinox Hide layer paint and, I have to say it was way easier to use so I'm sticking with it from now on! The scripture on the banner was a spur of the moment decision to do by the way, I was originally intending to leave it blank but I thought to myself, "it's not Warhammer Old World unless the banner has scripture on it", and to be honest I am very happy I decided to do it in the end because it just adds so much more character to the unit.

So, all that's left to do now is to select a place to put this unit on my Hobby Bingo card, and honestly I was tempted to put this in the box directly below my Skeleton Archers to work my way towards a full column, but then I realised I was three boxes away from a complete column, but only two boxes away from filling every box containing "Terrain", a category that I will never mark off with actual terrain. Fortunately, one of the two remaining "Terrain" boxes also contained the "Unit of 5+ Models" category within it, so it only made sense to mark that one off...

Now my mind is utterly torn as to my next project, which I suppose I should get stuck into straight away to make maximum use of time. On the one hand, what reason is there to stop the momentum with my Tomb Kings? But on the other hand, there are some narrative set ups forming in the new campaign that just scream either more Canopteks or more Lychguard, and then there's the lovely Monolith I have been gifted that I want to make sure is finished by the end of the campaign. Decisions, decisions! What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below!

- D J Driver

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