21 May 2024

Battle Report: Nulla Facultan 1st vs Tallarn "17th" (External)



Python IV. Once a lush agricultural planet that stood as a mainstay trading world at the heart of Imperial civilisation within the Orberus Sector now plays host to the machinations of the Silent King and his devious plans. Where once there were rolling fields of wheat and live stock now stand the menacing noctilith pylons that sap away any form of willpower the creatures of flesh may have remaining. In their eagerness to dominate the system the Necrons have, some may say foolishly left the capital world undefended save for the meat puppets under the thrall of the insidious dynasties known as the Hollowed and a handful of human survivors who, for reasons of their own have pledged servitude to the Legions of Silence. The Tallarn "17th" are one such regiment, preferring the domination of their metal masters to the inhumane acts of cruelty displayed by their now ex-commanding officers.

The soldiers of the Tallarn "17th" remained on Python IV expecting the majority of the Imperial forces to be preoccupied against the enemies that threaten their campaign on other planets such as Veil's Reach, Python III and the moon of Vector Alpha, and are thus taken by surprise when the troops of the newly formed Nulla Facultan 1st make planetfall expecting to make the capital world their base of operations during their war against those who would ally themselves with the Silent King...


Unlike my previous battle report based on the Reclamation of Orberus campaign, I have not written this particular post. Instead the battle report has already been written over at The Responsible One's Wargaming Blog (the blogsite belonging to the person playing the Tallarn "17th" in the campaign) and I am just linking it for your reading pleasure. So, without further ado, please click the link below to read on:


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