1 May 2024

Reclamation of Orberus: Phase 1, Flashpoint 1


Today is the start of the Reclamation of Orberus, the latest Warhammer 40,000 campaign I am running at my gaming club that I have planned to last six months. Within those six month there will be three phases (one for every two months) with two "flashpoint" missions each. With each flashpoint each player will be assigned an opponent and a mission with attacker/defender and advantages decided via the strategic stances and narratives those players give me on the lead up to that flashpoint, and the narrative will advance. So, without further ado here is what is going on at each planet/moon in the first flashpoint...


Opting for an all out assault on the Necron controlled sector, the Imperium leave their base of operations with little in the way of security, confident that the enemy would be otherwise occupied. The Xenniset Dynasty take advantage in the lapse in security and the Reclamation War distracting the other forces to search Venom for clues to the whereabouts of the Cultural Archives, unaware of the approach of the familiar Hive Fleet Ex Umbra that have arrived on the fringe moon. Now the two clash amidst the autonomous defense systems and nullification fields set in place by the native Mechanicum cults.

Planet Claim Events: -10 Defense for Forces of Reclamation

Notable Battles

The Xenniset Dynasty -vs- Hive Fleet Ex Umbra


Due to its proximity to the enemy base of operations, the Silent King has surmised that Perelus would prove to be a vital planet to conquer in the lead up to an all out attack against Venom. As such, the Legions of Silence dispatch both the Khertet Dynasty and the Pillage to eradicate the Onderghast Crusade, a Genestealer Cult that has seen a rise in prominence on the planet as of late, and the Ork Mobz led by Magrak ‘da Irongob Gutchoppa, promising the Pillage that they may keep any assets they may find on the Noctilith rich surface as reward for their services. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

The Khertet Dynasty -vs- The Onderghast Crusade
Da Skrappaz of 'da Irongob -vs- The Pillage


Being the site of the Imperium’s biggest push against the Silent King’s forces, the Watchers of the Fall head to Veil’s Reach to aid the tactical retreat of their Astarte Brothers in an attempt to wipe out the remnants of Hive Fleet Vespae that had ambushed them recently, only to be ambushed themselves by the redirected forces of Adraxhar Khanate, who were more than willing to attack the Imperial dogs. Meanwhile, the organisms of Hive Fleet Vespae are left to run wild on the surface and happen across a warband of Emperor’s Children who have suspiciously maintained vox silence to hide their position from their enemies, seemingly searching for something of interest to them, though as to what that may be is unknown at this time… Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Adraxhar Khanate -vs- Watchers of the Fall
Sinfonia of the Screaming Void -vs- Hive Fleet Vespae


The smashed and ruined remnants of Adeptus Mechanicus engineseers and their manufactorums lay strewn far and wide on the surface of Python III, the Necron advance seemingly too much even for them. Despite this, a single surviving Skitarii cohort lay in wait, shaking off the horrifying effects of the Stilling to ambush the Protocian Dynasty who have just arrived on planet having been given the authority to establish a home base on the planet and to head up the Silent King’s operations there. Meanwhile the Reticent Host, who have been dispatched to clean up the remnants of the Mechanicum cults find themselves at the receiving end of a vengeful T’au strike force. Unfortunately the command protocols issued to the Silent King’s forces come too late to protect the Noctilith pylons erected on the planet and a number of them have been torn down by the Forces of Reclamation. Planet Claim Events: -5 Claim for Legions of Silence, +5 Claim for Forces of Reclamation & Agents of Discord

Notable Battles

Skitarii Survivor Cohort 7-19 -vs- Protocian Expansionary Force
Da'Cova'Kavaal -vs- The Reticent Host


Following concerning reports of daemonic rituals weakening the fabric of real space, the Peregrine Task Force, still wounded by their encounter with Tyranids on Veil’s Reach, find themselves betrayed following an incursion with the Daemons flooding through the tear in reality by the Imperial Guard regiment that had accompanied them into the system, realising to late that they had been infiltrated by Genestealer Cults. The Legions of Silence have also shown concerns regarding these rituals, sending the infamously anti-Chaos Dynasty, the Kaphenet Dynasty, escorted by the Warband of the Warpspawned Talon, to purge the taint from Vector Alpha, though the latter finds themselves under attack by Aeldari also looking to purge the Chaos taint from the moon. The Oathbound Vultures, hoping to utilise the warp tear to recover their master’s prize before the Blood Ravens can, get waylaid by enemy forces and reach the site of interest only to discover the Astartes had caught up with them, and the relic they both seek absent but for a few, minor breadcrumbs pertaining to it’s true location. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Acolytes of the Polygramatic Gore -vs- The Kaphenet Dynasty
Peregrine Task Force -vs- Cult of the Poisoned Chalice
Holly Roller Novakhaine -vs- Warband of the Warpspawned Talon
Seekers of the Tome -vs- Oathbound Changehost


The Stilling is at its most potent on the ex-agri world of Python IV. The legend of its former beauty has allured the Nulla Facultan 1st to journey here to establish a base of operations only to discover the full horror unleashed by the Silent King. Having received word of the Hollowed, they make it their duty to find and capture specimens of these unfortunate souls, leading them into conflict with the Tallarn “Seventeenth”, a renegade regiment who have surely fallen victim to this accursed affliction. Meanwhile, an Ork Mob calling themselves the “Croosade Force” have made planetfall in hopes of acquiring the Necron’s unique technology, but are confronted in their efforts by the mysterious Ethereal Spear Aeldari, though for what purposes they may have to target such a seemingly indiscriminate target is unknown to anyone but themselves… Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Nulla Facultan 1st -vs- Tallaran "Seventeenth"
Croosade Force -vs- The Ethereal Spear

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