9 August 2024

Reclamation of Orberus: Phase 2, Flashpoint 1


So... this post is being put up a little late, mainly due to school holidays and family staying to watch the child whilst me and my wife work, as well as me spending most of my time painting miniatures ready for the Grand Narrative, however Phase 2 of the narrative campaign I am running is underway and started full swing last week. 

Now, if you own or have read a copy of the Pariah Nexus campaign book, you will know that between phases each alliance receives a boon from a preset list, and each alliance chooses which boon they want without duplicates starting with the alliance with the least campaign points (in this instance, the Agents of Discord) and ending with the alliance with the most campaign points (in this instance, the Forces of Reclamation). Fortunately for all involved, each alliance had their beady eyes on different boons and the boons that were chosen are listed below:

  • Legions of Silence: Might of Antiquity (Free Crusade Relic for each army)
  • Forces of Reclamation: Timely Reinforcements (Additional 500 Supply Limit for each army)
  • Agents of Discord: Supply Surplus (Additional 3 Requisition Points for each army)
As a loyal servant of the Silent King myself, I received a free Crusade Relic and had picked "Treasure of the Technomandrites", giving Nemesor Phaen's Overlord's Blade the Sustained Hits 1 ability. Tasty. So, without further ado, here is the state of the Orberus System as it stands...


Despite the brief incursion of Hive Fleet Ex Umbra and the Xenniset Dynasty, Venom has been left relatively untouched compared to the rest of the Orberus System. There have however been scattered reports of the Khertet Dynasty’s Guild of Shadows appearing and performing probing hit and run attacks to test and weaken the Imperial defenses there. Should Venom remain unguarded without any significant assets allocated to it, it is only a matter of time before the Necrons laying claim to the Imperial base of operations.

Planet Claim Events: -10 Defense for Forces of Reclamation, -5 Morale

Notable Battles



Wishing to appease their apparent new Imperial masters, the Warband of the Warp Spawned Talons launch an attack against the suspected masterminds of the Tyranid invasion, the Onderghast Crusade, in a show of their newfound loyalty, whilst the Genestealer Cult takes advantage of the chaos spreading through the sector to to launch a full scale take over of the planet. Meanwhile, a portion of the Reticent Host are sent to deal with the growing threat of Orks rampaging across the planet as, should they find a way to leave Perelus and invade the other planets in the sector it could spell certain defeat for both the Legions of Silence and the Imperium alike. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Warband of the Warpspawned Talon -vs- The Onderghast Crusade
The Reticent Host -vs- Da Skrappaz of 'da Irongob


All efforts to halt the Tyranid Invasion thus far have been unsuccessful. With the aftermath of the Tyrannic invasion of Ultrus Prime still lingering in the engrammatic minds of the Khertet Dynasty, they reallocate assets to the planet with their only mission being total annihilation. The Ethereal Spear follow suite, knowing full well the potential damage of the devouring swarm they too make launch an attack against the Hive Fleet organisms in an attempt to stem the tide. The Watchers of the Fall also make planet fall, believing the chaos of a full planetary invasion will invigorate their lust for battle and strike at the Ork WAAAGH!! attempting to loot anything of value before the Tyranids can devour it all. Planet Claim Events: +20 Claim for Agents of Discord

Notable Battles

The Khertet Dynasty -vs- Hive Fleet Vespae
The Ethereal Spear -vs- Hive Fleet Ex Umbra Croosade Force -vs- Watchers of the Fall


The war between the Necrons and the Imperium continues to rage on Python III as the Angels of Vengeance call in reinforcement following their victory against the Protocean Expansionary Force, but find themselves the target of the Aeldari who, until this point were seemingly their allies, the xenos force apparently having an agenda of their own to fulfil. To reinforce the Silent King’s efforts on the planet, the Tallarn Seventeenth are relocated to Python III to establish further colonies in order to strengthen the Necron presence, but find themselves attempting to establish an outpost in the last known location of the Skitarii Survivor Cohort 7-11’s fallen and subsequently find themselves in an undesired battle with them. As the maelstrom of war occurs between the two alliances, the Emperor’s Children send an invasion force to seek out relics of the ruinous powers that are also said to be on Python III but find themselves on the receiving end of the Protocean Dynasty’s territorial imperative, having encroached on their grand plans. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Skitarii Survivor Cohort 7-19 -vs- Tallaran "Seventeenth"
Holly Roller Novakhaine -vs- Peregrine Task Force Sinfonia of the Screaming Void -vs- Protocian Expansionary Force


With the Kaphenet Dynasty AWOL and missing with no discernible trace, the forces of Chaos reign supreme with the daemonic cults growing rapidly in numbers. After witnessing the apparent betrayal of the Warband of the Warspawned Talon and the Adraxhar Khanate, the Pillage are directed to take out the Daemonic incursion on Vector Alpha as a calculated show of loyalty to their deal with the Silent King. The Adraxhar Khanate meanwhile have set their sights on the Cult of the Poisoned Chalice, hoping to discover a weakness of note against the Genestealer Cult. In the background of all this, the Necrons are left completely to their own devices with the cults of Chaos and the Imperium battling amongst themselves, and with the help of the remaining Reticent Host forces planetside are able to reawaken some of their lost tombs. Planet Claim Events: +5 Claim for Legions of Silence

Notable Battles

The Pillage -vs- Acolytes of the Polygramatic Gore
Adraxhar Khanate -vs- Cult of the Poisoned Chalice


The Nulla Facultan 1st, having been left to their own devices with all opposition focusing their efforts elsewhere in the system begin to build an outpost on the Necron dominated planet to set defensive positions from which to take back Python IV for the Imperium. With no other forces available, the Xenniset Dynasty are redirected to the capital planet with a whisper, whether true or not, that the archives they seek could be in jeopardy should the Imperium be allowed to take root on Python IV… Planet Claim Events: +5 Claim for Forces of Reclamation

Notable Battles

The Xenniset Dynasty -vs- Nulla Facultan 1st

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