Where's the Wally? (or, what happened to DJ?)


Has it really been 12 days since the last post? Apparently!

I think I've been a total wally lately, especially when it comes to the blog. See, when I rebooted the blogsite back in February, I was unemployed and had all the best intentions in the world to dedicate a huge amount of time to the blog, specifically to help in advertising my writing and to discuss my passions, ie wargaming and video gaming. As it turns out I came out of unemployment fairly quickly, things escalated quite rapidly and, to be frank, I bit off way more than I could chew. This specifically is true for my Random Sel-X series where I am writing up what I played on stream for often times hours a piece, and it just doesn't seem practical or worth my time to continue to do this several months on. The main reason for this, of course, is that it impacts my already limited "me" time (and therefore my painting time) and completely destroys my motivation to write my novel which I have not touched since April.

Limited time is not the only thing that affects this blog of course, real life things have gotten in the way too. I went on holiday for a week in May, followed by having two rooms at home completely refurbished which had created dust (oh the dust!) which in turn coated my miniature projects in a fine powder and therefore halted my hobby completely until this week when the builders finally finished their work. Also, very recently I've had a death in the family which has also affected things.

This is not me saying the blog is dead by the way, just that change is inevitable. So, what changes can you expect?

First of all, the whole pledge to have an article ready every day is just not feasible and destroying my motivation to update, so I will be changing this to posting articles as and when I am motivated to do so. I will definitely be updating as often as I can, but I am no longer going to be pushing unrealistic expectations on myself to do so.

Secondly, I may either condense or even stop stream write ups entirely. I love streaming but the idea of having to write up each stream is just filling me with dread and anxiety and, as a result, I have not played Persona 3: Reload at all because I don't want to leave the viewers out in watching the story unfold alongside me and I certainly don't want to write up every aspect of every second I'm on stream later on in the week. To combat this I am very tempted to just keep to announcing stream dates as and when and just letting people join in if they want.

Finally, battle reports will likely be a bit more condensed, having written up one and drafting a second I don't remember everything that happens every turn post game and, again, writing these up is taking much longer than I would like.

It is worth noting that I have the Grand Narrative to prepare for so I will require some dedicated painting time for that but also I will likely be writing up my experiences for that weekend, plus the reduced time spent on the blog theoretically means more time writing my novel, which in turn should give me something to write about in my Project Side Literature series.

So yeah... that's a brief-ish run down as to where this wally has disappeared to. Once everything has calmed down in my personal life I will set another, hopefully less anxiety inducing stream session with Persona 3: Reload, as well as keep you all updated on my hobby developments.

Until next time!

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