22 February 2024

Blog News - 22/02/24


Today I want to go over some plans I have for the blog going forward, what's going on with the pace/subjects of each post and just to give a general update as to my situation when it comes to the site.

Before I begin anything else I wanted to go over my circumstances when I decided to revive this blog. I was out of work for reasons I won't go into as they are somewhat complicated, but as of this week I am back in full time employment - hooray! This will however impact the amount of time I have to write articles, take pictures, edit posts etc. not to mention the amount of time I have to write my novel, do my hobby and play video games. I do not, however, intend to abandon this blog again anytime soon so I have to plan how much time I need to dedicate to each and every one of these pursuits in advance.

So in this article I thought I would just explain what I intend to do going forward when I have the time and relevant resources as I am hitting somewhat of a dry patch with my posts at the moment. We should be back to your regularly scheduled reading very soon!

Rough Schedule

Whilst I have yet to form anything solid on the subject I do want to eventually set a rough schedule for the site as to when different types of posts go up. Currently I am considering the following timetable but there is nothing yet that is set in stone as much of this relies on other peoples input, me not changing my mind on the content and actually having the time to set up the relevant posts.

Mondays: Microsoft Mondays - a day set aside for late night Games Pass streams.
Tuesdays: Tutorial Tuesdays - a tutorial post goes up.
Wednesdays: Writer Wednesdays - a general day for narrative write ups, articles or book updates.
Thursdays: No clever names but general wargaming day.
Fridays: Fandom Faction Fridays - an army gets the spotlight in our Fandom Factions section.
Saturdays: Stream Summary Saturdays - write up of the Game Pass stream from the previous Monday.
Sundays: No Posts (day off)

Miniatures and Wargaming Posts

My main focus right now for miniatures and wargaming is my narrative series of posts. I have two separate narratives I will be writing about - my Echoes of Nihilus campaign which is coming to an end within the next month and a new crusade that will be announced very soon. For the former I have had some of my campaign players show interest in submitting their factions for our Fandom Factions series and I plan on running crusade specials of these once I get the write ups so readers can put some pictures to the armies mentioned in the ongoing narratives. There will of course be a post for the conclusion of the narrative once everything wraps up.

For the next campaign I plan on doing practically the same as the current campaign albeit with more detailed write ups as the games are played. I will also be doing detailed posts focusing on each alliance, prologue stories and possibly spotlights on particular characters of note.

Aside from the narrative side of things I am very close to finishing my next hobby bingo unit so that should go up in the next few days and with it a new system will open up on the blog, but you will have to wait to see which. As well as this I will, of course be continuing with my Khertet Dynasty and planning tutorials on how to paint them in case you want to collect them for yourself (or, more likely, just to get some ideas on painting techniques). These basically require pictures that I just do not have right now though so stay tuned for those.

Video Gaming

The votes are still open for another day to decide which game will be first on my Random Sel-X stream. Currently all games have at least one vote with Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name and Party Animals just edging a lead, but your vote can change all that!

I would like to start streaming the winning entry this Monday (as in the 26th February) however that will depend on what is going on in my actual life. I also plan on doing full reviews on these games once I have finished streaming them so if you want my thoughts on a particular game make sure you cast your vote right now!

Writing Projects

I'm making decent headway on editing my first novel and will be forming a strict schedule within the next week to get the second draft of the book finished within a particular deadline - I will update you all on here as soon as I have more details on that. Otherwise a lot of my crusade campaign stuff will go hand in hand with this section and I have some more articles in mind that I want to write - both of the wargaming and video game variety!

- D J Driver

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