24 February 2024

Random Sel-X: First Game Winner!

The votes were a bit thin on the ground for this first round (which was expected) but we have a winner for the first Random Sel-X game to be streamed by yours truly, and that game is...

Party Animals!

This came completely out of the blue as Like a Dragon: The Man Who Erased His Name had a very strong lead to start, but out of nowhere I started receiving votes for both this and Insurgency: Sandstorm and they in fact tied for first place... and I hadn't planned on any ties. So I needed to figure out some sort of tie break as I didn't have one in place, if only I had some blog relevant way to randomise a winner. Oh wait, dice, those'll do.

To decide between the two I rolled a D6 (six sided dice for those not in the know) - on a 1, 2 or 3 Insurgency: Sandstorm would win. On a 4, 5 or 6 Party Animals would win. This was based on where each game were listed in relation to each other in the votes post (IE, Insurgency: Sandstorm was earlier in the list than Party Animals, so Insurgency: Sandstorm won on the lower numbers). I videoed the roll and made it into a gif to prove the result of the tie break:

So there you have it. I will update the site as to when this first stream goes live, however I am not 100% sure how I want to run it as of yet so it might be a couple of weeks before I actually get to streaming the game. I also need to decide on the criteria for the gold, silver and bronze awards as I have zero prior knowledge of this game and I kind of want to keep it that way as I think that'd be more entertaining.

I will be opening up the votes for the next selection of games during the week, however this time you will not have a set deadline to vote. The voting will end once I am done with Party Animals (by completion or by rage quit) and my review of the game goes up.

- D J Driver

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