26 February 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: Second Unit!

I'm not the speediest painter by all means, and this month I have been incredibly busy with looking after family and other pursuits such as my novel, but getting the second unit of the year done and dusted means we're off to a good start on the ol' hobby bingo front. I promised in my recent update that this project would open up a new system on the blog, and by the silhouette on the thumbnail you can probably guess which system that is...

16 Skeleton Archers

I was never really a fan of the old Warhammer Fantasy back in the day, that is until I was introduced to Tomb Kings and I fell in love with the faction I now call "Necrons on grooooound!". Unfortunately I picked up a Tomb King army set literally as the End Times happened so they became super redundant super quickly and I in turn became super peeved.

So when Games Workshop announced they were releasing Warhammer: The Old World and were bundling a whole Tomb King army along with the rules? You just know I was jumping on that day one! But I wasn't sure how I wanted to paint them as I never got far enough to settle on a scheme last time around, so after some playing around I came up with a painting method I just love. I am going with more earthy tones with this project which is a bit of a contrast compared to my Necrons.

So where am I putting this project on my bingo card? Well I've decided that the "Terrain" squares just need to go because I have absolutely zero reason to paint terrain at the moment except maybe unit fillers. Hmmmm, food for thought. In any case there happens to be a "Unit of 10+ Models" square right underneath my first unit's square, so I figured I would start a column and get rid of a pesky terrain box whilst I'm at it.

So what will the next square I check off be? Will it be another unit of Tomb Kings? Am I going for the big units to get those categories out of the way? Am I getting rid of all the Terrain boxes for an easy 4 points? Or am I going for a quick and easy character model to help fill up my card? I guess you'll have to wait and see!

- D J Driver

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