We Need To Talk About Gaming

We Need To Talk About Gaming

The blog officially rebranded and reopened just 3 days ago and amidst the promise of more diverse content on the site, I have thus far posted exclusively about miniatures and wargaming. You might be asking yourself why?

Well the long and short of it is this. You see, I spent so long all those years ago posting exclusively about wargaming that I have a ton of ideas on the subject, from tactics to army showcases, from battle reports to custom narratives. As I mentioned before, more narrative is coming in the next few months and that will cover some of the writing portion of this site, plus I will be shedding a little light on a huge writing project I'm undertaking soon, so I got the literature covered. But what about video games?

To be totally honest, I have ideas but I'm stumped. Miniatures are easy, I paint, click the camera button on my phone and post away. Writing is easy, I just use the 10 digits I have at the end of my arms to tappy tap and words appear on the screen as if by magic. Video games are bit more tricky. If I want to stream I need to set up my elgato, do my pre stream set ups, let everyone know I'm going online then game for an hour or two... it's a whole thing. If I want to do a game review I need to think of the key points I want to talk about for each game, work out a rating system that's universal and accessible and, most time consuming of all, actually play the games I'm reviewing. Whilst it'd be my dream to do all of this full time, I do have a family and I don't earn anywhere near enough from online means to ignore actual paid employment (at least not yet), so time is a huge factor.

So to get to the point, I need to make sure whatever I am posting up on here is worth checking out. I can spend time streaming but if no-one's interested in watching I am literally just talking to myself whilst playing a video game for two hours. Likewise if I write up a review I need to put enough time and effort into the game to make sure my review is accurate, so if no-one's going to read it then I've just played a game I potentially hate for hours, and that's just torture.

So what is it I propose?

I have ideas. Ideas I will enjoy. If I enjoy what I do then it doesn't feel like work, right?

So for now I will hold off a short while until I know if you, the readers actually like my ideas. The ideas I wish to propose are as follows:

  1. Baldurs Gate 3 Dark Urge Playthrough - I play a full Dark Urge playthrough of one of the greatest games of all time, Baldurs Gate 3. This can work one of a few ways, I can create a stream and embed it into a post before replacing said post with a write up, or I can just play it, no stream, and write what happened in a narrative style directly on the blog.
  2. Game Pass Reviews - Persona 3 Reloaded is on my radar at the moment to play and I'm always looking to try new games, so I thought reviews of popular games and hidden gems on Game Pass might prove of some value to people who currently use Game Pass or are looking to maybe dip in a toe in future.
  3. Game Pass Game-A-Thon - I've always wanted to try an extended series where I play games that viewers vote on and I set a gold, silver or bronze system for me to aim for, maybe for charity. Problem has always been that this was just not financially viable for me because it meant buying game after game to keep the series going, and I don't even get a discount. This is where Game Pass solves that issue, I can literally just download and play any game from a massive library at one, fixed cost.

Let me know which of the above ideas appeal to you and I'll get working on content for the video games section as soon as it is viable for me to do so. Unfortunately Blogger doesn't have a poll system available anymore, but if a poll does appear I will be sure to redirect you all in another update. In the meantime drop a comment down below to make your voices heard.

- D J Driver

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