10 March 2024

Random Sel-X: Second Game Winner!


Votes were still a little thin on the ground this time around, but after some last minute votes there was a clear second game winner to become the star of the next stream (which will air on Wednesday 13th March at 10:30pm) and that is...

Peggle 2!

Yes, after taking an early lead and remaining there, Peggle 2 was the undisputed winner, and unlike last time it did not tie for first place so no randomisation was necessary. Mass Effect 3 came a close second in the votes and, whilst I would've been happy to complete this game for what would be the fifth or sixth time I have to go with the people... thems the rules!

So whilst I prep my XBox and get Peggle 2 downloaded and ready, you can now vote on which game I will be playing next with some slight adjustments to the nomination rules, namely 2 of the picks are now predetermined whilst the remaining 3 are still completely randomised. You can find the current nominations here.

- D J Driver

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