Reclamation of Orberus Narrative: Prologue


“Overlord Nemekh. The grand summoner. Ruler of the Tomb World of Ripekh and usurper of the throne of the Khertet Dynasty. We, the Court of the Triarch, find you guilty of desertion of your duties to the Silent King and aid of the expansion of the Pariah Nexus in accordance to the great machinations of Illuminor Szerasz.”

‘Usurper’. The very word set the Phaeron’s digitised nerves on fire. He knew the Overlords of the Triarch only used the word to hurt their pride. Such arrogance. If they could only begin to comprehend the importance of the Crucible of Nehekh, the artefact Baltha’Zyr had discovered during their “duties” to expand Szarakh’s grand project all those years ago, they would understand why they had taken leave in the first place. Alas, they were fools of the highest order.

“If I may?” Kharimekh requested, gesturing for permission to speak on the Overlord’s behalf. Nemekh waved a hand dismissively in resigned approval.

“Masters of the great and glorious Silent King. Firstly you claim my Phaeron is a usurper and a deserter disloyal to Szarakh. I say otherwise. For one, it was I who had awoken Nemekh from their tomb myself and not before discovering the unfortunate fate Szarazs, and as such their claim to the frozen throne is completely in accordance to the laws you, the Triarch have laid out.”

Murmers rippled amongst the nobles as they judged the strength of Kharimekh’s claim. The reactions of the Lord’s words were audibly mixed and unharmonious amongst the Overlords of the council.

“Secondly,” Kharimekh continued, “you claim my Phaeron deserted his duty to aid in the expansion of the Pariah Nexus. Once again I claim this to be false. My Phaeron had discovered an artefact in their campaign that proven essential to the reawakening and retrieval of their legions on Ultrus Prime, legions they have returned to the Pariah Nexus to accelerate expansion. In their absence they left myself in charge in aiding the efforts here, therefore fulfilling the duties expected of our Dynasty of a whole, not one of you specified it was Nemekh who need remain here.”

“And you failed to enact the will of your better.” Proclaimed one of the Triarch Overlords. “You also deserted your post to join your master.”

“Yes.” Kharimekh stated flatly without a hint of regret or shame. “I had Eratoth, the Khertet Dynasty’s master chrinomancer give me regular updates on the Ultrus Prime exhibition’s progress. It seemed that the Phaeron and their contingent had been halted in their tracks. Realising the importance of their mission, and without the guidance of my Phaeron I made the calculated decision to recover them myself with the aid of the assets assigned to me, for the greater good of the Silent King’s plans of course. When we arrived there we made a temporary alliance with the Imperial Forces. We would provide our aid in repelling the invading Tyranid fleets and in return we would be allowed to claim our assets back and we would leave. We cared not for conquest, their time will come eventually. As you can see I was successful in that mission and we immediately returned here to continue our duties.”

The Triarch judges eyed the Phaeron and their subordinate warily. Some whispered amongst themselves, others looked upon them with curiosity.

“The truth of your words still needs to be tested.” Stated one of the Triarch Overlords after a time. “For now we shall stay any punishment pending your penance to the Silent King.”

Nemekh eyed the council warily at the their choice of words.

“Penance?” They asked suspiciously.

“Yes.” Replied another Overlord of the council.

They gave a flick of their mechanical wrist and a holographic map of the Orberus System appeared before them.

“Imotekh has defected. He is assimilating defective Dynasties and Phaerons as vassals to the Sautekh Dynasty and turning them against those loyal to our rightful ruler. With so many of those loyal to the Silent King otherwise engaged, resources have proven challenging to divert to the Orberus Sector, the sector your Dynasty had laid claim to all those years ago. This has allowed human vermin to gather on the fringe planets and prepare their forces to take back the star system in the name of their corpse Emperor. This sector is key to the success of the Silent King’s great plans and your abandonment of Python IV has allowed this to happen. Thus it is your sworn duty to right the crimes you have committed and prove to us, the council that your leave of absence was, indeed, worthy of the reasons your advisor has so elegantly articulated.”

Nemekh snarled under their breath. Perhaps they should have kept Kharimekh on a shorter leash so that his words could never have besmirched the Phaeron’s honour. To have fallen on Ultrus Prime was a scar on their pride they’d rather forget. Then again it was because of those very words that Nemekh was spared and, more importantly, prevented drawing the full wrath of the Triarch unto themselves.

“Fine.” Nemekh sneered. “We successfully pulled my brother out of the tomb on Ultrus Prime, I’m sure he’s just itching at the chance for a fight. Consider thy will be done.”

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