Reclamation of Orberus: The Orberus Sector


In our last post we went over the individual alliances battling it out in the Orberus Sector. In today's post I will be going over the planets being contested by these alliances in the Orberus System itself.

Unlike most campaigns (and indeed my Echoes of Nihilus campaign), Reclamation of Orberus will utilise Goonhammer's Conquest system, meaning alliances will be fighting for control of individual planets to conquer. It is the players job to try to win as many territories for their alliances as they can by winning games as well as tactically choosing their stances and planets/moons they wish to fight on at each "flashpoint" mission (which rolls around every month) - if an alliance foolishly chooses to ignore a planet or moon claimed by a rival alliance for example, I as the campaign master might just increase said rival's presence on said territory depending on the narrative at the time. Here I will give a brief background for each of the six planets/moons involved in the campaign alongside each alliance's starting claim for them.


Legions of Silence:    0%
Forces of Reclamation:    25%
Agents of Discord:    0%

When the Forces of Reclamation devised their plans to reclaim the Orberus Sector they had settled on the moon Venom as the perfect place to gather their assets in preparation of a counter attack against the Silent King's forces. As the only moon of the Death World Python I the satellite held little interest to the Necrons whose Pariah Nexus seemed to exclusively target living, breathing Imperial citizens, and with the purpose built technologies of the Mechanicus on their side Venom makes for a perfect base of operations for the Imperium and their allies.


Legions of Silence:    0%
Forces of Reclamation:    0%
Agents of Discord:    25%

Likened to the "Wild West" of old Terra, Perelus is a cocktail of gangs, cults and, in the worst cases, xenos groups all vying for a slice of their own piece of territory on world. It was a planet untamed by the Imperium, though not for the lack of trying, and whose continued state of lawlessness has thrived with the Khertet Dynasty's absence from the sector as the forces of the Silent King slowed to a halt at it's neighboring planet of Veil's Reach. Now that the Imperium are otherwise preoccupied with the Necron threat, Perelus has become a spawning ground for the concerning rise of Genestealer Cults that have lurked within the masses for unknown generations.


Legions of Silence:    10%
Forces of Reclamation:    20%
Agents of Discord:    10%

Once known as the planet "Python II", Veil's Reach became an unrelenting battleground of such magnitude that the Imperial forces fighting to keep it's claim there felt fit to rename it in recognition of the planet being the nearest to the Pariah Nexus's veil that has yet become home to the sinister noctolith pylons erected by the Silent King's forces. As the Necrons send wave upon wave of troops in to claim Veil's Reach for themselves, the Imperium find themselves equally besieged by Chaos and other Xenos threats from Perelus and Vector Alpha as they struggle to maintain their grip on the planet.


Legions of Silence:    20%
Forces of Reclamation:    10%
Agents of Discord:    10%

As the most recently dominated planet by the Necrons in the all encompassing Nephilim War, Python III has been subject to the erection of numerous noctolith pylons, yet not all fires of rebellion have been extinguished as the Imperial forces not utterly consumed with the numbing unwillingness to live continue to fight for their home land. Forces aligning themselves with the Ruinous Powers also make planetfall here looking to destroy the warp nullifying properties of the black stone utilised by the Silent King and therefore allow the Chaos Gods the opportunity to claim the planet from the clutches both the Necrons and the followers of the corpse Emperor.


Legions of Silence:    10%
Forces of Reclamation:    10%
Agents of Discord:    20%

When the Silent King begun his invasion of the Orberus Sector, the citizens of the Imperium began to evacuate their homes, some to entirely new star systems but others to darker and more remote corners of the Orberus System itself. Vector Alpha in particular gained notoriety after a time as the desperation of the people there who believed the Emperor had forsaken them instead turned to the Dark Gods for help, as such the moon has become a hot bed for Chaos Cultists and Daemon summonings. Whilst the Necron threat is considerably larger in the sector, the Imperium have sent forces to pull the roots of heresy out from Vector Alpha lest they allow this threat to take the place of the Silent King later down the line.


Legions of Silence:    25%
Forces of Reclamation:    0%
Agents of Discord:    0%

What was once an agricultural paradise within the inner reaches of the Orberus System has since become a poisoned, arid wasteland under the merciless rule of the Necrons that conquered the planet several cycles back. Now acting as the main base of operations for the Silent King's forces, Python IV has unequivocally become his territory and has been the main beacon for the Pariah Nexus within the sector since the Khertet Dynasty wrestled control of the planet from the protection of the Dark Angels all those years ago. Python IV has become the central focus of the Imperium's crusade in the Orberus Sector, for to eradicate the xenos presence there would surely mean victory for their cause.

It should be noted that all planetary pictures on this article were taken from google images, and whilst these are intended to only be used within this campaign as visual aids I do appreciate that these are likely to be the hard work of artists far more talented than myself. As such if you recognise any of these pictures as your own and you would like me to credit you each time I use them, please educate me via email at

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