1 April 2024

Peggle 2 Stream Summary - 27/03/24

Here we are. The final hurdle. Or should that be the final peg? All I know for certain is going into this stream I was determined to make this stream the final time I visit Peggle 2, at least on camera in front of all you fine folks that is. I had already earned that sweet, sweet silver medal last time by beating all six "masters"* but this time around I was looking to earn my first gold medal and smash through all the trials in the game and... well, let's just say that was a tad ambitious.

I mean, don't get me wrong, the whole evening started innocently enough. I kicked things off with Bjorn as I figured that would ease me into the whole trials run and that, if the trials I had already played were anything to go by I'd smash through them pretty quickly since I completed half of the mandatory trials in a few minutes, and they had even been incredibly satisfying to complete in the beginning.

*Aroused peg smashing noises*

The problem for the evening however, was that these trial levels didn't stay nice and relaxing. They got hard and I had to come up with some cunning and, oft times boring tactics to complete each trial. For example, the final trial level for Bjorn (a group of trials I actually completed) was to hit 4 orange pegs with 4 or 5 balls that zipped across the screen super quickly. Seeing as my judgement in when to actually launch the balls was just not up to scratch in this case I came up with the incredibly dull idea of aiming at the bucket at the bottom of the screen to score extra balls and just praying that a ball pings off of a peg eventually. Incredibly dull to play and, no doubt to watch, but it worked.

One rather interesting spin on the Peggle formula that seemed to appear once in each set of trials was that i had to complete a level with less than a set amount of points, IE I had to clear every orange peg before I scored too many points. This was quite frustrating at times but it forced me to try and work on my precision shooting as I was actively trying to avoid smacking multiple pegs in a single shot.

Purple pegs became my kryptonite

It was about this time where one of my followers on Twitch was just generally chatting to me about the Random Sel-X votes and asked me about if I would play horror games. I revealed that I am not a fan generally of horror games as I am an absolute wuss, to which they said watching my reaction would be entertaining, so if anyone is actually reading this, little tip for future Random Sel-X votes if you want a laugh! The idea of playing Elden Ring came up too so that's fun.

Anyway, after I finally made my way through Bjorn's ordeals, I reached Jeffrey's trials, and they were much the same affair as Bjorn's levels though there was a heavy focus on smashing big groups of pegs with the Bowlder ability this time. Some were a downright blitz party where you needed to get as many points as possible which, considering the trial ends when you destroy all the orange pegs turned out to be a lot more tactical than it sounded.

Purple Good. Orange Bad!

Other levels required a bit more strategy to complete than merely focusing on destruction however. The level in the picture below as an example featured two circles of orange pegs that spun anti-clockwise. It took me a couple of goes to work out the trick but I quickly realised by throwing a Bowlder to my left the pegs would just move directly into it of their own free will and smash themselves.

This was one of my favourite trials

Alas by the time that I had got to the end of Jeffrey's trials (minus the one that involved getting five skill shots that I just rage quit on) it had hit 12am my time and I just could not face another stream of pinging balls off of pegs and as such I decided to call it quits. No gold medal for me unfortunately, so that means that I had to settle with a...


The Final Results!

* Well, I say "Masters", one of them was just a bunch of planets.

Votes for the next Random Sel-X game are currently open, and as Party Animals is now officially done the deadline for the next round of votes will be Wednesday 3rd April 11:59pmLeave a comment on the linked post to have your say in which game I play next!

- D J Driver

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