My Hobby Bingo 2024: Sixth Unit

Oh the agony of choice. On the one hand I'm very eager to have a fully painted army of Tomb Kings, but on the other hand my Reclamation of Orberus campaign only started this month and I am itching to try out some new units, and despite that one unit I used in my battle report, I do try my best not to field unpainted miniatures - I'm not against the use of unpainted miniatures by the way, it's more a matter of pride for me given that I have over 3000 points of painted Necrons!

So you may very well have thought that I have gone ahead and painted that unit of Lychguard that still had yet to receive a coat of non-primer paint, and you would be wrong. See, I couldn't decide between painting them or the unit I actually ended up painted so I let my daughter decide, and she decided that I should paint these instead...

3 Canoptek Wraiths

Canoptek Wraiths were one of those units that I had started to paint in my old Necron army (back when I was going with the green carapace look) but I never finished, mainly due to how long metal took me to paint back then. But I love Wraiths, I've loved Wraiths since fifth edition even when they weren't competitively the best, and I had two boxes of them just sitting around so I figured... hey, they're good now, the Canoptek Court is a fantastic detachment, why not get them painted?

Truth be told I did plan on painting all six of my Wraiths in one go, and I debated being a right cheeky so-and-so and check off two "2-4 Model Unit" boxes, effectively killing two birds with one stone, but turns out base coating more than three of these at a time makes me want to rock back and forth in the corner of the room and cry, so I just decided to paint the three this time around. I'll also throw in a little interesting piece of trivia for you... the Wraith on the left was posed to mimic an old piece of artwork from the fifth edition Necron codex.

Not identical, but inspired by this old picture

So onto the important task of Bingo box placement, and I did originally intend to slap these guys down in the final "Terrain" box to score some Bingo points as it shares a spot with the "Wildcard" category, however I also figured I could paint something real quick and clear that category any time so I continued down the column I had already started to set myself up for a double pointer.

I will be completely straight up here. I want to paint more Tomb Kings, however I will actually be continuing with my Necrons as I want to get as many new units as I can painted for the campaign. I want to be playing some new detachments and utilising some new units for some new playstyles, but as I already mentioned I do not like to play unpainted models if I can help it. I may even paint the other three Wraiths I have set up, who knows! Until next time...

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