Reclamation of Orberus: Phase 1, Flashpoint 2


It was delayed due to the club that we are playing the campaign at being closed for emergency maintenance which meant several pairings had problems arranging games but we are finally here at the tail end of phase 1 where I shall be outlining where the narrative stands with each planet as well as announcing the next official match ups on said planets. I forgot to mention in my previous flashpoint article that the "Planet Claim Events" are narrative changes to an alliance's claim, defense or the general morale of the planet and are entirely based on the strategic footings and planet choices each player and alliance makes, so whilst a player may not battle on the planet of their choice, a portion of their faction is still considered to be on that planet for the purposes of narrative.


Despite the brief incursion of Hive Fleet Ex Umbra and the Xenniset Dynasty, Venom has been left relatively untouched compared to the rest of the Orberus System. There have however been scattered reports of the Khertet Dynasty’s Guild of Shadows appearing and performing probing hit and run attacks to test and weaken the Imperial defenses there. Should Venom remain unguarded without any significant assets allocated to it, it is only a matter of time before the Necrons laying claim to the Imperial base of operations.

Planet Claim Events: -10 Defense for Forces of Reclamation, -5 Morale

Notable Battles



After turning up no leads as to the whereabouts of either the data vaults or the cultural archives they seeked on Venom, the Xenniset Dynasty withdraw their forces from the Imperial moon and continue their search on the frontier world of Perelus, unaware that the Iron Warrior warband supposedly allied to the Silent King lay in wait to ambush them. Meanwhile, the mobz of Magrak ‘da Irongob Gutchoppa continue their quest to gather the parts required to continue their WAAAGH!! but find their progress halted by a targeted attack from the Aeldari of the Holly Roller Novakhaine. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Holly Roller Novakhaine -vs- Da Skrappaz of 'da Irongob
The Xenniset Dynasty -vs- Warband of the Warpspawned Talon


The skies of Veil’s Reach blacken as the enormous silhouettes of Hive Ships belonging to both Hive Fleets Ex Umbra and Vespae cast a long shadow over the planet and shower Veil’s Reach in vanguard organisms and sowing chaos and despair amongst the general populous, so great is the threat presented it has warranted a response from both the Legions of Silence and the Forces of Reclamation. The Khertet Dynasty’s nobility, already en route back to Pariah Nexus territory take a detour to aid in the eradication of the Tyranid threat due to their previous experiences with Hive Fleet Ex Umbra on Ultrus Prime whilst the Reticent Host attempt to clear the raiding Orks further complicating their efforts planetside - even the Greater Good, who journeyed to Veil’s Reach to challenge the Necrons heading there, have realised that the sheer scale of the Tyranid invasion there is too great for even them to ignore. Meanwhile a portion of the Nulla Facultan 1st are redirected from their rendezvous point of Python III to help fight the Tyranids, utilising their expertise against this particular foe, only to find themselves confronted by a hidden sect of the Genestealer Cult: the Onderghast Crusade. The question of Father Wyrmwood’s involvement in this invasion hangs heavy in Imperial minds, though his involvement in this invasion is yet to be confirmed. Planet Claim Events: -10 Morale

Notable Battles

Nulla Facultan 1st -vs- The Onderghast Crusade
The Khertet Dynasty -vs- Hive Fleet Ex Umbra Da'Cova'Kavaal -vs- Hive Fleet Vespae Croosade Force -vs- The Reticent Host


Having suffered a loss to the surprise ambush attack by the Cult of the Poisoned Chalice, the Peregrine Task Force fall back to the nearby planet of Python III to establish a second Imperial base within the Pariah Nexus, and set it as the rendezvous point for multiple Imperial factions. Upon their arrival they are alerted to the presence of a barely surviving cohort of Skitarii being driven into hiding by the Protocian Dynasty, and launch an attack on the Necrons who had driven them into hiding only to discover that they have taken defensive manoeuvres whilst they begin construction of new Pylons. This does not entirely save the Mechanicum survivors however as they are sought out by and attacked by ambush specialists the Pillage, who have once again been redirected by the Silent King’s will from their original intended destination under the promise of war assets. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Peregrine Task Force -vs- Protocian Expansionary Force
Skitarii Survivor Cohort 7-19 -vs- The Pillage


With the arrival of Chaos reinforcements and increased Daemon activity, the Imperial forces stationed on Vector Alpha are ordered to fall back to Python III and regroup, leaving the Kaphenet Dynasty to defend themselves against the Emperor’s Children invasion of the planet. The Adraxhar Khanate make planetfall expecting to find the Imperial Forces harbouring a member of the inquisition but find themselves arriving too late and are also forced into fighting the servants of Chaos for the location of the Inquisitor they seek. Meanwhile the Ethereal Spear, fresh from their victory against the Necrons on Python IV make their way to Vector Alpha with another major power in their sights - the Cult of the Poisoned Chalice. They attempt to ambush the Genestealer Cult but they somehow anticipate this surprise attack and counter circle against the Aeldari, almost as if guided by forces elsewhere in the system… Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Cult of the Poisoned Chalice -vs- The Ethereal Spear
Adraxhar Khanate -vs- Acolytes of the Polygramatic Gore
Sinfonia of the Screaming Void -vs- The Kaphenet Dynasty


The Legion of Silence’s defences on Python IV have been severely damaged thanks to the efforts of both the Aeldari and the Nulla Faculta 1st, and with this victory the Imperium withdraw a number of their forces leaving the Watchers of the Fall to press the attack to prevent the Necrons from recuperating. With the Legions of Silence focusing their attention on the Tyranid invasion on Veil’s Reach, it is left down to the Tallarn “Seventeenth” to hold the line whilst what is left of their ancient masters attempt to regain control of their base of operations. Planet Claim Events: None

Notable Battles

Watchers of the Fall -vs- Tallaran "Seventeenth"

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