25 August 2024

Blog News: Facebook, Necromunda and Space Marine II


I'm back from my holidays and back on the blogging horse, and as you can probably tell I'm going for a slightly different, personal approach to my thumbnails/article headers. I have been doing some evaluating of the blog as a whole and I decided that using the same formats and identical thumbnails over and over just made my eyes go numb as I'm sure they did for all of you, so I'm changing all that. Consider that your first little snippet of blog news before we get into the bigger stuff!

So what has been going on in my little world over the last week or so since my latest post? And what plans am I making? Well let's dive into that starting with...

So unless you missed the big ol' facebook thumbnail on the main page, the official Project Side facebook page is live and has been doing very well in it's first couple of weeks, and since its launch we have seen a steady rise in site readership, which is great! The more page visits we get the more time I can dedicate to the site, and I have some fairly sizeable plans for this site for when we do hit a particular milestone in readership.

So, if you haven't checked out the facebook page yet, go and give us a like! We'll be updating on there whenever a new article or battle report is written, plus there'll be small updates on there such as hobby or gaming commentary and even memes. Also, it will be where I will be informing everyone when I will be streaming (as I plan to do so again soon) so as to allow the actual blog to be for proper posts instead of little updates clogging up front page space, but more on that below...

I don't think I've ever mentioned this before, but the players of my Reclamation of Orberus campaign and I have a discord chat where we discuss narratives, show snapshots of our games and just do a bit of general chit chat. Why do I mention this? Well the player who is commanding the Reticent Host, another Necron army that is part of the Legions of Silence alliance like myself, started briefly discussing Necromunda and said in passing that he was considering running a Necromunda campaign after our club's event next month, at which point several people including myself showed interest.

This leads me to the question in the title... do I do Necromunda? I do have a gang built, I even made a start on painting them, but I lost the mojo to finish them and put all my effort into my Necrons, like I so often do. Now, I feel there's a legitimate reason to finish painting them, I only need to paint 8 models, shouldn't be too hard... right?

Space Marine II is out in the next few weeks and I for one am absolutely ecstatic for it's release, so ecstatic in fact that I plan on picking this up straight away and live streaming it - I will be announcing exactly when on the facebook page as mentioned above.

But it doesn't just stop there! I am in the process of potentially arranging collaborated streams with at least one youtuber that I follow, whom shall remain nameless at this point in time incase it doesn't happen, though it appears this will largely depend on whether the game has cross play functionality or not. For now, just know that you will be watching me blow chunks out of Tyranids on my twitch channel soon after release one way or another.

I have signed up to an affiliate program with Amazon to help in getting some revenue (yes, I am now just realising I misspelled "revenue" in the graphic) for the site, revenue I can use to help grow the site and make it bigger and better. At the time this post goes up the affiliate links won't be active, but they will be added very soon and when they do it'd really help the site if you could click the links, even if you don't want to buy the item specifically shown on the link, every purchase made through the link will help the out site. 

Of course, don't buy anything you don't need, I wouldn't want you all to feel pressured into purchasing anything you don't want or need, that is not the aim of this update! It is just another way of monetising the site so I can put more funding into what I do.

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