13 August 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: Seventh Unit


Urgh. Three month. THREE MONTHS since the last "My Hobby Bingo" post. I blame the builders who refurbished my bathrooms personally, coating the flat with a fine layer of dust and making painting conditions more or less impossible, the absolute audacity! (I kid of course, the lack of hobby time was worth the great job they did.)

As you may or may not remember all the way back then, I was agonising over which unit I wanted to paint next; I have several different projects I wanted to do and others I kind of needed to do. In the end I did, as you can likely surmise from the thumbnail image end up going the three more Wraiths route, and let me tell they are not fun to paint. My wife bought me three more for my birthday and I will build them eventually, but right now I'm really in no rush after painting six of them. So, now to the fruits of my labour...

3 Canoptek Wraiths

Aside from the fact the lighting is somehow different to when I photographed the previous Wriaths, I did actually paint this unit in exactly the same way as before, complete with the same phasing paint job on the bases (thought the one in the middle isn't phasing through anything just as a novelty). Now I have a real excuse to field a full unit of six of these guys - as I have said before, I dislike (but am not opposed to) running unpainted units, but running a unit that is half painted is just plain wrong, plus I am leaning heavily towards fielding my Canoptek list for the Grand Narrative so these guys needed some love just incase I do actually go that route.

So technically I have painted a second unit so I can lay down a cheeky second square on my hobby bingo card. This isn't a cheat code like I had considered last time, I actually sat down and did these three models together as a single project, so I decided to stop delaying the inevitable and write off the final Terrain Piece square seeing as it shares a space with a Wildcard I had been saving for a a full column, and finally granting me 4 points for my trouble - hoorah!

For those who have already checked out my newly created Facebook page you will know exactly what my next painting project is going to be, a full three units that I am painting all at once and I have in fact already made a start on them, so be prepared for a full on bingo sheet invasion soon! In the meantime, if you want to find out what is on my painting table and more, be sure to go check out the Project Side on Facebook!

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