3 September 2024

My Hobby Bingo 2024: The Magical Double Digits!


I've been a busy boy. Well... I say busy, this latest project is three units that in total took less time to paint than just three of my Canoptek Wraiths. Man, Wraiths take forever to paint, and my wife bought me yet another three for my birthday a few months ago, when will I get the motivation to do those? But I digress...

The units that appear in today's hobby blog will come as no surprise to anyone following our official Facebook page (you should definitely check it out and give it a follow), but it's more Canoptek goodness mainly spurred on by the need to finish painting the Canoptek Court list I am heavily considering taking to the Grand Narrative. So let's see, I have the Doomstalker painted, the Reanimator, the six Wraiths, what other Canoptek unit was still on my to do list?

18 Canoptek Scarabs

I even arranged the Scarabs in the picture by models A, B and C, and I know I know, I hate duplicated models with a passion, but I am not converting 18 Scarab bases, it's just not happening, and when there's so many small constructs on a single base no-one, including myself, will care. Truth be told I only had 14 Scarabs on the new Warrior sprues to hand so I had to order a few more off of ebay to take me to full numbers. Now I don't have to paint any more Scarabs since I have three full units of them which is great, but I did find these little guys really fun to paint, not to mention therapeutic.

So what does this mean for my old Scarabs? Well, sadly there just isn't room for the little guys anymore, they will have to be retired, though whether they join my legacy miniatures like my two Necron Lords or if they go into the ether of ebay, no-one knows right now. So I thought I would give a respectful send off for these Necron bugs... they have served me well.

So where does this land me exactly in the hobby bingo? Well, that's an additional three whopping units to add to my sheet and, wouldn't you know it, I have three "Units of 5+ Models" squares left, it would be just downright rude not to fill them in right? Not only that but that tallies a total of 10 units painted so far this year, great success!

So it's at this point I like to talk about the next unit I will paint, or the next project I am planning, and honestly I want to do something other than my Necrons next. I should realistically continue with my Tomb Kings but, as I mentioned in my latest blog news article, there is a potential new Necromunda campaign looming so I might actually paint my Delaque gang up, but who knows? My whimsy takes me where it will when it comes to the hobby!

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