Grand Narrative: An Update

The time is almost upon us. In just a month and a half I will be making the pilgrimage to Nottingham and the heart of Games Workshop... Warhammer World.

I have made the journey to Warhammer World a few times before; three times if memory serves, but they were just day trips to bask in the glory of the great halls within the famous castle laden walls whilst I played games of 40k and drink several pints of Bugmans XXXXX ale which in itself was a fantastic experience. But this is the Grand Narrative! I'm going to be there for three days with a whole host of avid narrative gamers in arguably the most iconic gaming space in hobby history and I for one can't wait.

Details Unleashed!

So why am I choosing to post about the Grand Narrative now? Why not wait until closer to the time? Both very good questions. You may have noticed over at the Warhammer Community page that the Grand Narrative Field Commander's Brief has been made available for all to see in a recent post. Well the other participants and I received this brief about a week or two before it was made public and I had already begun making the preparations by then (and by preparations, I mean emailing the events team to make sure my models were okay to use).

A Wild Discord Appears!

Shortly after we received our Field Commander's Brief but just before it was made public, I get an invite to a Discord group for the "Interlopers" in the campaign (IE the Xenos races). This Discord channel is only viewable to the players in the Interlopers group, the Imperial and Chaos players cannot access it so I can only assume they have their own groups.

The Discord channel itself has a great many number of chats going on. You have your typical general chats (one for the UK, one for the US and one general chat for both countries), lore chats, model showcase chats, you know, the usual. In addition to these, players were grouped together in battle groups of 6 people, all of which have numbers proceeded by two letters - BG for US battle groups and TV for UK battle groups. I am part of TV15 which consists of 3 Necron players (including myself), an Ork player and a Tyranid player. We don't know what happened to the sixth player.

I'll update a bit more on our Battle Group at a later date, but for now I will reveal that we've given ourselves a name ("The Planet Crackers") and we are currently ironing out our group logo. Very exciting stuff, looking forward to sharing it with you all!

An Unexpected Army Configuration

So you remember when I was trying to decide the 2,000 point force I was going to take with me to the Grand Narrative? Well apparently it was in vain... Kind of. See, we were told in the very beginning, when we bought our tickets, that we would be playing games of 2,000 points and so I naturally assumed that meant we were to bring 2,000 points worth of models with us to use for the whole weekend. I was wrong.

In our briefing, Games Workshop did confirm that we would indeed be playing 2,000 point battles, but we have a Supply Limit of 3,000, so I have a lot more freedom on what I can bring with me. After learning this, I decided that I would still keep all the units I planned to take with me anyway (I decided on the Canoptek Court list by the way) and add in another 1,000 points of units I like, completely freestyle. I'll reveal the list of the units I am taking another time.

So yes, that about sums up my Grand Narrative update. I might do a bunch of reels covering the event itself as the time approaches followed by a montage of said reels as we approach the event, but I may not, we shall see.

Stay tuned soon for the full lore for the Khertet Dynasty that will link into the Grand Narrative...

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